15 Min. FREE Clarity Call
15 Min. FREE Clarity Call
What is stress?
A state of mental or emotional tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
A stressor is anything that causes stress. Stressors are not necessarily negative. They are negative when they exceed a person’s ability to cope with them.
Hello, my name is David.
My Story...
From a GED to a Ph.D.
Amazon Int. Best Selling Author
My life was once filled with broken pieces, bad decisions, and some ugly truths. Now it's filled with passion, purpose and promise.
15 Min. FREE Clarity Call
15 Min. FREE Clarity Call
What is it that is holding you in the present and keeping you from accessing your brightest future? This presentation is designed to help by encouraging, inspiring and motivating those attending to stop and look at the big picture, to think and prepare for the challenges ahead. To pull up their bootstraps and move forward to victory.
This presentation was developed to encourage people by letting them know they are not alone, there is help, there are others that care and are rooting for them!. While there may be plenty of reasons / excuses to justify dropping out there is greater satisfaction in completing what they have started. This presentation is designed to encourage and motivate people to finish what they have started..
We all have a purpose, we all have dreams and we all have goals. This encouraging presentation is designed to inspire and motivate people to pursue their destiny with the understanding that its going to require effort, faith, determination and persistence. All things are possible for those who believe (and put in the work). But what are the steps to seeing their dreams become a reality? I have developed a 5 step system that will help the people attending this meeting put a plan into action.
15 Min. FREE Clarity Call
"How To Get Stress Anger Under Control" Ebook (pdf)
DownloadFor more information on fees and availability, send me a message. Tell me about your event, and I will get back to you soon with more information.
15 Min. FREE Clarity Call
Dr. David A. Spencer, Pastor, Founder, and CEO of
D. A. Spencer Services. “Kingdom Mindset Development” Let’s Talk About It. A Christ-Centered Counseling, Coaching and Discipleship Program.
Designed With You In Mind !
15 Min. FREE Clarity Call